Source: GMA News

-- Five thousand runners faced a horde of 200 zombies Saturday, as Nuvali in Santa Rosa, Laguna hosted Outbreak Manila, the first zombie run in the Philippines.

Twenty-five waves of two hundred runners were released onto a five-kilometer obstacle course filled with two hundred zombies.

Each runner had three flags hanging on their waists representing their "lives," with zombies scattered around the course eager to grab them. Participants survive the run if they cross the finish line with at least one flag left.

The first forty runners of each wave received a medal. The top three male and female runners were also awarded with special prizes. Organizers also awarded the best dressed runners and zombies.

The run was so successful that plans have already been drawn up for a sequel. “The next Outbreak has been set, and we all look forward to chasing you there,” said Angelo Cruz of Re-Create Events, Outbreak Manila's organizer.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


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